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GDPR policy for the Aardvark Website.

This website hosts forums which retain postings made by various people. By posting an entry on a forum, you are implicitly agreeing to let us republish your material around the world. The forum uses cookies to maintain your login session if you create a username and password.

In addition this website runs on top of a software stack using the Apache web server which saves logfiles. These are only digested for statistical analysis of overall traffic. Stuff it knows about you includes the IP address your browser request came from, the page requested, the referrer page (if any), and your browser identification string (if any).

The website and forums do not attempt to track you, do not knowingly feed your personally identifiable information to any other business or advertising affiliate or network and we don't intend to start collecting or processing personal identifiable information.

If you want to exercise your right to be forgotten, or have personal information removed from this site, Contact us via If you don't get a reply within a week, email us again—we probably didn't get your request or were swamped by other stuff.

Once we receive a GDPR request we will comply with it promptly, Note that we may just erase all your content and cancel your login. (GDPR gives you a right to be forgotten; it does not impose an obligation to be remembered.)

© 2012 Aardvark Embedded Solutions Limited      
Registered in England and Wales Number 4335111